
Sunday, July 17, 2016

Resources for Sunday's Message

by Tom Goodman

Today’s message on 1 Corinthians 14 can be found here. I found the following resources helpful in understanding tongues-speaking and it’s relevance for today.

D.A. Carson’s Showing The Spirit: A Theological Exposition of 1 Corinthians 12-14.

Gordon Fee’s commentary on 1 Corinthians.

Journal Articles:

Toward a Pauline Theology of Glossolalia,” by Gordon Fee.

Sighs Too Deep For Words,” by Frank Macchia

Linguistic and Sociological Analyses of Modern Tongues-Speaking: Their Contributions and Limitations,” by Vern Poythress. Don’t let the technical-sounding name turn you away. Skip the first half of the article, which covers sociological and linguistic studies of the phenomenon of tongues-speaking. I found the second half of the article most helpful. It starts on page 379 and runs to 388.