
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Links to Your World, Tuesday March 25

Very cool: “MySong automatically chooses chords to accompany a vocal melody, allowing a user with no musical training to rapidly create accompanied music. MySong is a creative tool for folks who like to sing but would never get a chance to experiment with creating real original music. Come on, you know who you are... you sing in the car, or in the shower, or you go to karaoke clubs, or you just once in a while find yourself singing along with catchy commercial jingles. MySong is also a great tool for songwriters who want to quickly experiment with melodies and accompaniments.” (Find it here)

You Know You're A Redneck If Your Wife Is Quoted In The Local Paper Saying . . . (click here to find out!)

“A growing number of baby boomer parents are freaking out inside. . . . They don't want to let on to their adult children that they're getting worried, but these parents are sharing their concerns at work, at the gym, at the grocery store or anyplace they can commiserate: Their offspring — post-college degreed and in their mid- to late 20s — still haven't a clue about what to do with their lives.” Read more of the USA Today article here.

Our church supports Paul and Martha Buford as missionaries in Honduras. They have both entered the world of blogging and they have some thought-provoking posts. Check out Paul’s blog here and Martha’s blog here. You might want to start with Paul’s post about a new ministry that he found as an ex-cop among police officers in Honduras.

Looks like my Blogger service is going to allow users to schedule when they want a post to go live. It’s only available in draft right now, but this is a much-needed feature. If you post on the Blogger platform, check this out.

Is Oprah the Next Billy Graham?

I’m planning to go to the national Arts Conference hosted by Austin’s Hope Chapel. Learn more about it at this article: “Churches Urged to be More Artist-Friendly, Transform Culture.”

Pro-lifers should avoid 'Idol Gives Back,' leader says.

The 7 Essential Habits Of A Successful Fitness Routine.

Travel Without the Laptop, Carry Your Computer on a USB Drive

Very Funny: This Man has a Man-Cold (HT: Martha).

Have you read the previous posts since last Tuesday? They include the “Song of the Week“ (this week, The Weepies’ "Somebody Loved"), news on UT men’s basketball coach Rick Barnes, reflections on the Obama race speech, and the continuation of my LeaderLines series called "unChristian Christianity."

1 comment:

Pastor Pablito said...

Hey Tom,
Thanks for the plug for our blogs and your input on mine. Many read but for some reason very few leave comments!