
Thursday, September 24, 2009

LeaderLines: You Can Get Our Church Ready for the Prayer Tour

Hillcrest has scheduled a Prayer Tour, and as a Hillcrest leader you can help our church get ready for it.

What’s a “Prayer Tour?” It’s a walk through our building to pray for the ministries that take place in it, to pray for the people we impact, and to pray for the people we need to reach.

Our Prayer Tour will take place on Sunday, October 18. It will begin and end in the auditorium, and it will take 45 minutes to complete. You can begin anytime between 8:15 and 9:15 a.m., depending on what activities you have to get to. Many of our people will choose to begin the Prayer Tour at 9:15 a.m. and end at 10 a.m. in the auditorium in time for the worship service to begin. Some of our senior adults will choose to begin at 8:15 a.m. and end at 9 a.m. in time to go to their Sunday School class.

You can choose the start-time that works best for you because the Prayer Tour will be self-guided. When you arrive in the auditorium you will be given a map of our facilities and a prayer guide. The guide will tell you where to stop in the building and what to pray for at each stop.

For example, when you leave the auditorium and walk into the preschool wing, your guide sheet will tell you to stop in an empty preschool room and pray for the children who are lovingly cared for in the preschool ministry. You’ll be guided to pray for their parents who bring them, for the workers who take care of them, and for the various preschool ministries we have. You’ll then be instructed by the guide sheet to move on to the children’s wing and you’ll be given guidance on where to stop and pray. After that, you’ll be directed to the youth area, then the gym, then the adult wing, and so on. Forty-five minutes later you’ll find yourself back in the auditorium.

How can Hillcrest leaders help our church get ready for this important project?

First, commit to be a part of it yourself. You can sign up on the Connection Card this Sunday. I hope I can report your involvement!

Second, promote it among those you lead. I recommend you lead your entire Sunday School class or Common Ground group to take the Prayer Tour together as a group. Advertise the project at the start of your class time, include the project as a part of your prayer time, send reminder e-mails to the group the week before the Tour. Do what you can to impress on others the importance of prayer.

Third, plan on having some breakfast items in your class or group on October 18. Since we’re asking people to arrive 45 minutes earlier than they normally do, they’ll be ready for a light breakfast during your small-group time.

This is an exciting project. Do your part to rally our troops for spiritual engagement!


Each Thursday I post my article from "LeaderLines," an e-newsletter for church leaders read by more than 300 subscribers. If you want to subscribe to "LeaderLines," sign up here.

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