
Monday, November 29, 2010

Men and Women and Home and Church

The NY Times introduces “complementarians” and gives some reaction from “egalitarians” in a Molly Worthen article.

Don’t know what those labels refer to?

Frankly, I can’t imagine that such clunky terms ever became mainstream, but the unfortunate nomenclature refers to two different ways that Christians view gender issues. Complementarians see men and women as equal in worth and distinct in roles—they “complement” each other in the home and in the church. Egalitarians see no difference between the roles that men and women can play in the home and the church.

We lead toward complementarianism at Hillcrest.

I’m not sure why the NYT editors entitled Worthen’s piece “Housewives of God,” considering that the article really isn’t about “housewives".” And I share some of the same quibbles with the piece as this GetReligion post. Still, its interesting to read a NYT “take” on a worldview we take for granted. At the least, it helps us know how we’re coming across—and where we need to spend extra time explaining our perspective. Take a moment with it.

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