
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Links to Your World, Tuesday April 10

In China, teen trades kidney for iPhone and iPad.


Media personnel are having a debate over whether the label "Christian" equals "conservative."


Dolphins not so intelligent on land. Heh...


For $1.4 million you can buy District 12 from the Hunger Games. Perfect for squirrel hunting and staging a revolution....


My response to a NYT piece that bundles trust in divine providence with a lucky rabbit's foot as irrational but useful superstition.


Austin-area growth rate second in the nation. What are the implications for existing church outreach and church planting?


"Masters patrons "leave [their smartphones] in their car, embarking on a very strange 21st century experience of spending long hours without earth's most inescapable technology. They look at things—with their eyes. They solve questions—by asking nearby human beings. They come up with clever comments and somehow survive without offering them to the world in 140 characters." And how does one tell time without a phone? "They were accustomed to using their phones to tell time, but here, they'd come up with an ingenious solution: they simply looked for an older person. Older people, as it turned out, wear these gadgets called watches." (story)


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