Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Links to Your World, Tuesday November 26
Time magazine asks 16 famous people what they're thankful for. Here's Rick Warren's answer.
Woman Who Had Almost Formed Healthy Sense Of Self Rejoins Social Media
Middle-Earth is now on Google Maps.
If you could lick the internet, what would it taste like?
"Instead of just putting up internet filters so we can control what comes into our computers, perhaps we should put up an “honor filter” that will help us control what goes out of our computers." Do your Facebook posts "honor everyone" as the Bible commands?
Colin Woodard says North America can be broken neatly into 11 separate nation-states, where dominant cultures explain our voting behaviors and attitudes toward everything from social issues to the role of government (Time). Do you agree that Austin is in the nation of Greater Applalacia?
In the study reported here, the value of a typical urban congregation’s contribution to the local economy at $476,663 per year.
"The Disney films The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, and The Lion King present, in their respective order, the story of a believer’s life from conversion, through lifelong repentance, and end with the return of the Lord to restore His people and His world" (Okay...).
This guy has some pretty good arguments for finding coffee in scripture (tongue in cheek of course).
"The dying are still the living, and their inherent worth is not diminished simply because their remaining moments on earth are few" (Joe Carter, on end-of-life care)
The Atlantic: The president is urging families to talk about health insurance when they get together for the holidays. What could go wrong?
"I wanna know what u doin', where u at, where u at? But the Thou is an unknowable unity & not an object to be scrutinized." @Justin_Buber, my new favorite Twitter account to follow: A mash-up of Justin Bieber tweets with Martin Buber quotes. Also, check out KimKierkegaardashian (@KimKierkigaard) for a mash-up of Kim Kardashian tweets with quotes from the famous philosopher. Such as: "@KimKierkegaard: Birthday in Vegas. Danced all night. One tries in vain to forget one's melancholy in distraction, at a distance from it."
Ed Stetzer: "I believe the trajectory toward greater acceptance of homosexuality will continue. However, there will always be a sizable minority of people, often people of faith, who hold minority views. Increasingly, Americans will have to wrestle with how to be tolerant in more than one direction." Color me skeptical that the culture will be tolerant in more than one direction. I predict religious liberty will take some real hits in the near future.
Because of texting line breaks are replacing periods
Periods are now considered aggressive
This will take some getting used to
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