
Thursday, May 01, 2014

Links to Your World, Thursday May 1



Life>Updates. At 8:33 A.M. last Friday, a 32-year-old woman driving to work in High Point, North Carolina, took out her phone and posted to Facebook: “The Happy Song makes me so HAPPY.” In the moment she posted the message, the woman crossed over the median of Interstate 85 and collided head-on with an oncoming recycling truck. She is dead.


For the WSJ, Mollie Hemingway says Heaven is For Real “is very much a part of the ancient Christian tradition of pious speculation about heaven deriving from visions, dreams and experiences.”


China on course to become 'world's most Christian nation' within 15 years. (Update)


“Muslim background believers are leading Muslims to Christ in staggering numbers, but not in the West. They are doing this primarily in Muslim-majority nations almost completely under the radar—of everyone.” CT report


“I'm finally on the verge of becoming famous and I'm not going to ruin it now. An abortion will further my career. This time next year I won't have a baby. Instead, I'll be famous, driving a bright pink Range Rover and buying a big house. Nothing will get in my way.” Trevin Wax says that how Britons reacted to this woman’was “both surprising and sickening.”


Taking notes longhand will help you remember information better than typing them out, according to new research


Texas had four of the top 10 unfunniest cities in the U.S.


Gratitude, Not ‘Gimme,’ Makes for More Satisfaction, Baylor University Study Finds


“Buddhism has always been missionary. Buddhists have always thought that their doctrine and practices can help to alleviate suffering and so have urged others to accept them.” Jay L. Garfield, Buddhist and philosopher, in Gutting’s series of NYT interviews. Of course Buddhists are proselytizers: It’s not just evangelicals. Anyone with the conviction that their way of thinking can help the world is going to commend it to others.

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