Thankfully this is not my experience among Hillcrest’s deacons:
In Case You Missed It:
"Never marry someone who lacks a good sense of humor. She will need it. It is a challenge to live intimately with your best-informed critic." And other Keillor advice here.
“Reporters in The Times UK's newsroom are working under a constant soundtrack of (artificial) typewriter clatter. It's an experiment to "increase energy levels," and for a generation of reporters who grew up on word processors, it's probably torture. Times journalists walked into the newsroom today to find loudspeakers on podiums broadcasting the long-forgotten sound of newsprint being hammered out on mechanical typewriters. The Woodward and Bernstein soundtrack starts out with one quiet typewriter, then grows in number and volume as writers' print deadline approaches.” (story)
When Prayer Makes Anxiety Worse: The Atlantic reports on several new studies that show that praying might help alleviate worries—but only if the person has a secure relationship with God.
Agnes Howard explains why the real selfies were taken by Puritans.
At death, here’s a proposal to compost your body, turning it into soil-building material for nearby farms and community gardens, so people literally become part of the city they once lived in. Would you have this done yourself?
Really grateful for those asking pesky questions about where #IceBucketChallenge donations go. We support research looking for a cure to ALS, but we don’t want our dollars going to experiments on embryonic stem cells. Learn more at our ERLC website.
Does a college education weaken faith? The Atlantic says that’s a myth.