
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Join Our Social Media Blitz

MendHome God heals families!

We’re going to claim that promise during a special 2-Sunday emphasis called “Mend.” We’re going to spread that promise through a social media blitz.

“Mend” takes place on September 7 and 14. Guest speaker Heath Peloquin will lead us to claim the promise found in the last verse of the Old Testament: “He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents” (Malachi 4:6).

That’s a promise worth sharing as well. Let’s generate a “social media blitz” to spread the word that God heals families. Sometime between Monday and Saturday, September 1-6, use the following tools. Most of these items will be available online starting September 1 at

Postcards: Your Bible study group can send postcards to prospects and absentees encouraging them to attend “Mend.”

Impact cards: These are the size of business cards, small enough for a shirt pocket or a purse pocket. Pick up a stack on Sunday or in the church office, and hand them out during the week.

Evite card: You can email an “evite” to your friends from our website.

Text invitation: We’ll have an image promoting “Mend” you can save among the photos on your mobile device. Text this image to friends with an invitation to join you.

“Share” a Facebook Image: We’ll have images promoting “Mend” that you can share with your Facebook friends.

Forward “Winning Ways”: Most of you receive this devotional from me in your email inbox each Wednesday. The one we send September 3 will be designed for you to forward to friends. Add an invitation for them to join you.

Your chance to join this “social media blitz” is for a limited time. Just the six days of Monday through Saturday, September 1-6. Don’t think of it as some kind of sales campaign. Instead, think of it as spreading some wonderful news: God heals families! It’s a promise worth sharing as well as claiming.


Upcoming Activities

The Fall Semester of the Hillcrest Institute is Starting! Learn more about our short-term classes and sign up at

Get Anchored! If you're exploring Christianity, or if you want to better explain it to others, The Anchor Course can help. The "Get Anchored" Dinner will introduce you to this 8-week study through a book I've written called The Anchor Course: Exploring Christianity Together. Learn more about the course at our website.

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