
Wednesday, January 20, 2016

This week's newsletter from Karen

There are certain times and certain circumstances that seem to test our faith more than others. The past two weeks has been a combination of those times and circumstances for many.

The following is a lesson I read a few months ago (Splink, August 14) teaching kids about our faith and how it is proven for others to see. I wanted to share because maybe it will bless you and your family.

Say to your kids: "I can ______________ (play a guitar, say the alphabet backwards, make crepes, touch your tongue to your nose, or whatever you can do; preferably something they don't know you can do).

Ask: Do you believe me?

Demonstrate your "skill" to the family. I demonstrated by my actions that I could do what I said I could. The Bible says that our good works demonstrate we have faith.

James 2:14 asks a very important question: "What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith, but does not have works?”

Read James 2:15-16 for an example of how faith and works go together. He said, “If a man who does not have anything and is hungry comes to you and you say, ‘Be warmed and filled, depart in peace,’ but you don’t help him–does it do that man any good?” No, the man is still hungry. It is no good to SAY you have faith, but not DO anything. Faith without any works is dead—no good—useless.

James says that the proof of your faith is good works. If you really have faith, you will do what God says.

What kind of works should we do? Read James 1:27 to find some good works we should do. (Help those who are less fortunate—the fatherless and widows; live right and do not follow the world’s ways).

Choose one activity your family can do together to do good works and serve others.

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