What are the odds: Three siblings with different birth years but the same birthday.
Sometimes you have to remember what a great gift is prayer.
National Review loves the Lights. The new season started last Friday. My thoughts on the first season are here.
News on Halo 3: According to the NY Times, some churches are using it as a youth outreach tool. There’s a great conversation going on over at Ben Witherington’s blog over whether this is a good idea. (Myself: I’d think the “M” rating would be enough to keep it out of youth ministry rooms.) As for adults: Let the fun begin. The online cover of my Wired magazine subscription has some hints about what you can expect. Rollover the magazine cover for clues.
In “A Nation of Christians is Not a Christian Nation,” Jon Meacham wants to correct John McCain’s recent remark that “the Constitution established the United States of America as a Christian nation.” Albert Mohler, President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, made the distinction several months ago.
James Emery White looks at the impact of “The World Without Us” and wonders whether a world without Christians would change anything.
“Munch a Moth”—one man’s answer to the downunder bug infestation.
What Should I Read Next? At this site, enter a book you like and the site will suggest what you could read next.
All-Day Vitality: How to Fight Fatigue Morning, Noon, and Night. Related: "Cheat on the Need to Sleep."
“I try to be as direct and up front as I can. But like a good artist, you work your way to the truth. . . . I like it (delivered) in pithy one-liners. Metaphor and simile and other devices poets use are worthwhile in getting to the point. But if you have a truth to tell--in my case it's the gospel of Jesus Christ--there's no way of pussyfooting around it.” (Michelle Shocked, born-again and loving it)
“The worst moment for the atheist is when he is really thankful and has nobody to thank” (Dante Gabriel Rossetti, artist, 1828-1882). (HT: Presurfer)
Advice to the dad whose Christian daughter says he’s going to hell.
You Oughta Be in Pictures: At Ink Afterlife, cremated and ground-up ashes are mixed in with printer ink, and end up in a photograph.
Appalling: A crowd steals groceries from a dying elderly man who was hit by a truck. Tell me again about the "innate goodness" of human beings . . .
Cayman Air Lines flight attendants make an in-flight delivery: mother and child are fine.
A slideshow of the Parable of the Prodigal Son in art.
“You know a mature Christian when you see one. The marks of maturity? Self-sustaining in spiritual devotions. Wise in human relationships. Humble and serving. Comfortable and functional in the everyday world where people of faith can be in short supply. Substantial in conversation; prudent in acquisition; respectful in conflict; faithful in commitments.” Gordon Macdonald defines spiritual maturity, and complains that it’s in such short supply.
The Galaxy Garden. This guy has mapped the Milky Way galaxy with his garden formation.
OK all you English teachers: Is "data" a singular or a plural noun?
Photos from the annual poison oak show.
How the first day of the week went from the Lord's Day to Christian Sunday.
The latest episode of the CBS crime show "Cold Case" depicted presumably devout Christian teens in an abstinence club as sexually active hypocrites who literally stone a member to keep their sins secret. Sigh . . .
25 Skills Every Man Should Know: Which one(s) do you need to learn?
Have you read the previous posts this week? They include the "Song of the Week" ("Hymn" by Brooke Fraser), considerations of creation care, why marital spats affect husbands and wives differently, what to do about Christianity's image problem, poking fun at emergent leaders, and a great quote from a GQ author about doubting his doubts. To keep up with the journal, sign up for e-mail updates or assign the feed to your news reader or Google Personalized Home Page.
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