
Sunday, January 06, 2008

Song of the Week: Diane Goodman's "Even the Fish Obey Him"

Our former church in Grand Cayman has a private school--First Baptist Christian School. While Diane was teaching there, the teachers and kids produced a CD called Beloved Isle Cayman. Diane wrote this song, with help from Janet Durksen and Karen Crane, and it's been picked up for publication. Here's one site to order the sheet music and here is how Shawnee recorded it for promotion. The recording on the "Song of the Week" feature is from the FBCS CD. Sorry, I don't recall the child's name who has the lead part on the recording. Have your kids listen to "Even the Fish Obey Him"--

The Lord once said to a fish in the sea,
"There's a man named Jonah
Who won't listen to me.
When you see him come down
Please swallow him up
And in three days' time
You can spit him back out."

Even the fish obey him
Even the fish obey him
Even the fish obey him
And I'll obey him too.

In Joshua's day the Israelites
Were fighting in battle
With all of their might.
They needed more time
to do God's will
So the Lord commanded
The sun to stand still.

Even the sun obeys him
Even the sun obeys him
Even the sun obeys him
And I'll obey him too.

Out in the boat
With Jesus one day
The wind came up
And so did the waves
The disciples were sure
That the storm would win out
But Jesus said "Stop!"
And the waves died down.

Even the waves obey him
Even the waves obey him
Even the waves obey him
And I'll obey him too

Rivers bend where
He commands them
Even rainbows
Hear his voice
I am part of God's creation
His will is my choice.

Even the fish obey him
Even the sun obeys him
Even the waves obey him
And I'll obey him too.
And I'll obey him too.
I'll obey him too.
The player for the featured "Song of the Week" can be found on the upper right corner of the weblog for one week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pretty Cool!!