
Thursday, January 01, 2009

Episode 3 of 'Will Tom Keep His New iPhone'

For those just tuning in, there's an exciting new game show in our house: 'Will Tom Keep His New iPhone?'

In Episode 3, Tom discovers that he can't click a phone number or URL within an iPhone note to call the number or go to the site. And, since he can't highlight text to copy it and paste it in another application, he just has to remember the info when he moves to the phone app or the Safari browser.

Tom had these capabilities with his Treo, and wonders what else his pretty new toy can't do.

Update: Phone numbers and URLs are recognized in some iPhone apps (e.g. Evernote), but not in the apps that come with the phone such as Calendar and Notes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh just keep the iphone and quit yer whinnin! It's by far the best thing to come out in a long, long time. Sure, it can't do some of the stuff my old Treo could do - but then again, my old Treo couldn't play all my favorite CD's, my "Incredibles" video, and run my entire Christmas Musical accompaniments like my iphone does. No competition.

Dave in Cayman