"Will Tom Keep His New iPhone?" the game show in the Goodman household, is down to its last week. The contestant has 30 days to decide whether his iPhone is more than just a pretty toy. As he moves into his last week, he has hit another snag.
As mentioned before, the contestant was flabbergasted that the iPhone makers left off a to-do list and offered a lame "notes" app. While the iPhone will sync with Tom's Outlook Contacts and Outlook Calendar, the iPhone makers decided Tom didn't need his Outlook Tasks and Outlook Notes.
As a workaround, Tom has been waiting to try a program called imExchange, which syncs Tasks and Notes with his office Exchange server. This afternoon, his IT guy got his phone interfacing with his Exchange server. But when Tom went to download the RerlSoft app so he could have his Tasks and his Notes in his iPhone, the iTunes store suddenly announced that the RerlSoft apps are not available from the U.S. store.
Anyone know what's up with that?
Looks like the contestant's iPhone's gonna go back in the box next week.
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