
Saturday, March 14, 2009

Fashion Conscious NeoCalvinists

Time magazine lists “The New Calvinism” among “10 Ideas Changing the World Right Now” (HT: Between Two Worlds). Theologically, I’m right there with them, and have been for over 30 years since I first embraced the doctrines of grace. But there is a subculture of American-style neoCalvinism that doesn’t consider you gonzo for God unless you like—and hate—the right things. You’re suspect if you don’t carry the ESV*, if you preach topical sermons occasionally*, if you find Rick Warren helpful sometimes*, and if you use the phrase “seeker-sensitive” in your ministry*--which is, dude, so last-decade. They pride themselves on being countercultural, but they can be as fashion conscious about the outer trappings of their movement as teen girls in a mall.

*Yes, the ESV is a fine translation; yes, an exposition of one text is my “default setting” for preaching; yes, Rick Warren misses the point sometimes; yes, some pastors who call themselves seeker-sensitive are nothing more than marketers.

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