
Tuesday, February 02, 2010

"What would you do if you were stuck in one place and every day was exactly the same, and nothing that you did mattered?"

Diane will have to endure another viewing of Groundhog Day today. Jonah Goldberg wrote about the film's appeal in NRO:

In the years since its release the film has been taken up by Jews, Catholics, Evangelicals, Hindus, Buddhists, Wiccans, and followers of the oppressed Chinese Falun Gong movement. Meanwhile, the Internet brims with weighty philosophical treatises on the deep Platonist, Aristotelian, and existentialist themes providing the skin and bones beneath the film's clown makeup. On National Review Online's group blog, The Corner, I asked readers to send in their views on the film. Over 200 e-mails later I had learned that countless professors use it to teach ethics and a host of philosophical approaches. Several pastors sent me excerpts from sermons in which Groundhog Day was the central metaphor. And dozens of committed Christians of all denominations related that it was one of their most cherished movies.

Goldberg suggests some reasons for its appeal in the article.

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