
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Review of Douglas LeBlanc’s “Tithing: Test Me in This”

In “Tithing: Test Me In This,” Douglas LeBlanc has applied his skills as a journalist to chronicle the stories of ten people in their decision to tithe and the impact it has made on their lives. The story-telling makes LeBlanc's work unique among the books on the subject, which usually focus exclusively on explaining the scriptures and suggesting contemporary applications. Readers needing a thorough unpacking of texts behind the practice of tithing will need some of these other books: Though most of the scriptures that relate to tithing are explained by the people whose stories are being told, LeBlanc chooses to let his subjects tell their own story without much critical evaluation. But the book will leave its impact on readers, who will identify with the characters and compare their own stewardship decisions with the real people LeBlanc presents to us.

1 comment:

steward said...

For every good testimony he has on tithing i have a bad testimony i can share from the hundreds of people who have told me about their bad experience with tithing.

- jared