Just before every school year begins, Hillcrest hosts a lunch for the teachers, administrators, coaches, and custodians of Anderson High School, Murchison Middle School, and Hill Elementary School.
As a part of the lunch program, we encourage the participants to complete a survey we provide at each table setting. Not everyone turns in one, but here are just some of the answers from the 100 surveys that were completed this year. It will give you a greater appreciation for our school teachers, their needs, and their perception of what their schools and students need:
In your opinion, what is the most challenging issue you will face this school year?
Balancing work, children and family
Getting kids to pull their pants up
Challenging coworker and Mondays!!
Having enough time to prepare great lessons and to give individual attention to more students than we’ve ever hand (Anderson H.S.)
Keeping a positive attitude!
Finishing grad school this coming semester
Organizing: I’m juggling parenthood, teacher-hood, and being a wife!
In your opinion, what is the most challenging thing your students will face this school year?
Knowing what to expect on STAAR Exam
Not using their phones for 90 minutes of my class
My students are 3-5 year olds so probably leaving their homes and getting used to school routines (Hill Elem.)
In what one tangible way can we partner with you and your campus to make this school successful for you and your students?
Provide volunteers for HEROs Program at Anderson. [This request, and requests for mentoring, came up a lot. Contact Steve Cloud or Karen Raulie for more information.]
This lunch is so amazing. It makes us feel appreciated and we thank you so much. [We got this comment a lot!]
This lunch is a wonderful way to start the year. Other appreciation/thinking-of-you things throughout the year?
School supplies; paper for copies, please!
Continue to host WyldLife [a Christian YoungLife program for middle schoolers that we host on Mondays. We also host YoungLife for Anderson high students.]
We would love to do our concerts here—just sent you an email about that. [Murchison Middle School held 2 of their concerts in our auditorium last year]
If your congregation has any German speakers that would like to visit my class….
Provide extracurricular activities to kids who have none.
Are there any specific things we can be praying about for you?
That my students will discover their unique gifts/talents
That I have patience and understanding for the diversity of students I have.
Economy in general, rain, best candidate elected for President
Financial blessings: My husband is getting ready to retire and a bit nervous about that.
This year is full of transitions for me: marriage, moving.
For your students?
That all my students feel supported and capable of improving themselves academically—never giving up on their education.
That I can inspire my students to greatness.
Strength and courage to stand for what’s good and right—especially when its not the popular thing.
That God would multiply their rest when they get it and their mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.
Feeling accepted, loved, confident.