
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Links to Your World, Tuesday October 25

Self-Delusion Is a Winning Survival Strategy, Study Suggests

Mother's Little Angel Just Made Fun Of Classmate's Weight For 30 Straight Minutes

Scientists Discover The Most Relaxing Tune Ever. Listen to it here.

Thank you, George W Bush, for ending the Iraq War in Jan 2012. Yes, George W Bush.

Preserve Your Loved Ones as Their Favorite Vinyl Record...and Other Options.

A fringe of audiophiles find the cassette tape's flat tones and fuzzy hiss to be a comforting throwback.

Fingers wrinkle when wet to help you grip slippery surfaces.

Of "dream journals" and other creative ways to seek the Lord's direction. I am cautiously intrigued.  

Is it rude to send a message to your neighbors by renaming your Wi-Fi network? I'm thinking of renaming mine, "Hey Keep Your Yapping Dog Indoors Before Dawn."

Theres a wrong way to use apostrophe's. In this short piece learn about the future of the semicolon, the dash, the comma, and the interrobang. The interrobang?!  Yes, the interrobang.

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