
Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Winning Ways: We're Back in Our Renovated Auditorium!

The Hillcrest Family has some exciting things to look forward to. Here are some highlights.

Celebration Sunday in Our Renovated Auditorium. Join us this Sunday back in our renovated auditorium! We'll celebrate some baptisms, award Bibles to our littlest new Bible readers, thank some people, and ask God to make our worship center a lighthouse for our city. Things get started at 10 a.m., and instead of our 11 a.m. small-group ministry, we'll enjoy a come-and-go reception in the gym.

"God's Perfect 10: The Ten Commandments for Today." While you're at this Sunday's reception, be sure to sign your entire family up for our Fall Campaign, a study through the 10 Commandments. Look for Steve and Karen in the gym so your children and teens can receive their T-shirts and other materials. The study begins next Sunday, September 16.

HILL Classes. Another thing you can do while you're at our reception this Sunday is to enroll in a HILL class. Many classes begin Sunday evening, September 9. You don't have to wait until the morning reception, though. You can register online at our website.

The Anchor Course: Exploring Christianity Together. One of the HILL classes is especially for seekers and for Christians trying to explain the faith to seekers. The study is based on a book I've written called "The Anchor Course." We'll meet for 8 Wednesdays. To check it out, attend the "Get Anchored" dinner on Wednesday, September 12. There's no obligation to continue beyond that first night if it's not what you're looking for. Contact my assistant, Jami, to register for the September 12 dinner (345-3771 or For more information, go to

AWANA returns! When Karen announced this last Sunday, the applause let us know how excited the Hillcrest Family was to hear about this. It's actually part of a re-worked Wednesday night schedule that should be more family-friendly. This new format begins Wednesday, September 19. We'll tell you more about it across the next few weeks.

It's an exciting time to be part of the Hillcrest Family. Here's how you can do your part. First, pray now for God to bless your church through these activities. Second, re-arrange your schedule to participate. And, third, take a moment right now to think about someone you need to invite--or invite back--to join you!


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