The Navy is looking into whether Capt'n Crunch is impersonating an officer.
12 Great Ideas That Went Horribly Wrong
Want to change the world? Sponsor a child.
"We don’t belong to anyone’s political party. We don’t belong to anyone’s organization, and so we ought to have the freedom, then, to speak prophetically to both parties and to all parties" says the new president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. A profile of Russell Moore.
J.D. Grear: "I’m often asked, “Why even bother with something like the SBC? Aren’t the days of denominations over? Can’t we be just as effective on our own? Why deal with all the red tape, bureaucracy, and downright crazy people who speak in the SBC’s name?.” Cooperating with the SBC offers a fair number of challenges: we are not a perfect people by a lot shot. And for many people, the solution seems to be to simply sever ties and go our own way. But cooperating together for the mission of God, however challenging, is biblical, expedient, and personally beneficial." Read the rest.
"The way people treat restaurant staff is, I think, a kind of poker tell, revealing a person’s character." HT: David Mills
From Time's international cover story: "In the reckoning of religious extremism—Hindu nationalists, Muslim militants, fundamentalist Christians, ultra-Orthodox Jews—Buddhism has largely escaped trial. To much of the world, it is synonymous with nonviolence and loving kindness, concepts propagated by Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, 2,500 years ago. But like adherents of any religion, Buddhists and their holy men are not immune to politics and, on occasion, the lure of sectarian chauvinism....Every religion can be twisted into a destructive force poisoned by ideas that are antithetical to its foundations. Now it’s Buddhism’s turn." Time covers the promotion of violence against Muslims (and Christians) by Buddhist monks in Southeast Asia.
Find from era of King David may confirm Old Testament text -- if politics don't interfere
I came to this same conclusion after reading the NY Times piece on the consequences of women denied abortions. You to into the Times piece thinking you're going to get a sober wake-up call on the sad burden of being "forced" to carry a child to term. What you get instead is a story of life!
The time it takes to prepare a sermon. This is about right: My investment is about 15 hours, give or take.
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