
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

This week's newsletter from Gene

We had a very successful dinner for 2nd Half Ministries this past Saturday night, with 83 in attendance. The food and speaker/entertainer were excellent. We have ministries for Children, Youth, Women and Seniors, but who is 2nd Half? The general target group for this ministry is Baby Boomers. There are multiple ways to define Baby Boomers, but the age generally used by demographers is those who are born from 1946-1964. Why a ministry for this age group? Life Circumstances.

Although there are many differences, such as the leading edge verses the trailing edge differences, they have many things in common around which a ministry group can be formed. Our life experiences tend to happen based on age. For example, what is the societal “norm” for those between 5 and their early 20’s? Typically this is the time when they are getting their education to prepare them for life and are becoming independent. What’s the next “life activity?” Getting started on careers and family which takes most all our time and energy for the next 25 years or so. Our “Life Circumstances” typically begin to change around age 50 as our children are getting out of the house and our schedules and expenses adjust accordingly.

2nd Half Ministry targets the age group over 50 who will typically have these “Life Circumstance” similarities.

They tend to:
Be empty nesters
Be at the latter part of their employment or entering early retirement
Have more control over their time and schedules than earlier in life
Have disposable income
Still have good health so they can do manual mission work projects.
Be independent, and travel is a part of their normal lifestyle

There are currently 176 people at Hillcrest who make up this group if we use strictly the birthdates between 1946 and 1964. Life Circumstances, as described above, place many more in this group. More next week on this ministry.

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