How often do you have to decide if you
are coming to church? That may sound like a strange question, and for
some, the answer is every week; for others, maybe a couple times per
month. For some it will be, “I haven’t made that decision for years.”
Which group is the “preferred” group? The group that hasn’t decided in
many years. Does that seem like a strange answer? Not when you really
I’ve seen many people over the years that make the decision regarding
their church attendance every Saturday night, depending upon their
circumstances. Consequently, their church attendance is kind of a
hassle for them, since they have to decide every week and attendance is
up and down. There are those who have adopted the position you heard
Bro. Tom describing this past Sunday, and they have decided early on in
their relationship with the Lord, that regular church attendance is a
part of their on-going commitment. For these people, they have decided
that they were going to church each week and the only decision they have
to make is when their life circumstances make attendance not make
sense. These people are at peace in this decision making process and it
doesn’t come up as a family discussion for a vote each Saturday night.
Life works so much better.
Decide to decide. Is church attendance going to be an important part of
your relationship with the Lord or not? If it is, make that decision and
be done with it. If it isn’t, ask yourself, “why not.” Hebrews 10:25.
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