
Wednesday, March 09, 2016

This week's newsletter from Karen

You’ll hear more about the AWESOME Club in the weeks to come, but as an introduction, the children in Kinder-6th grades will be participating in a special attendance campaign during the month of April. To gear up for that time, take some time this week to talk to your kids about evangelism—telling others about Jesus. Below are activities you can use to help create a conversation…

A Treat You Should Share
Item needed: candy bars or treat that your family would enjoy
(Keep all but one of the candy bars hidden.)

Open one of the candy bars and eat it in front of your kids. Make a big deal out of how good it is. When they ask you to share, GLADLY share with them. In fact, bring out the hidden candy bars and pass them around.

How did you feel when I shared my treat with you? How would you have felt if I kept it all to myself? How would this be like keeping or sharing the good news about Jesus?

Knowing Jesus is far better than anything in the world. We must share this good news with others.

Good News!
Whisper some good news into your child’s ear (You can stay up an extra 30 minutes tonight; I’ll do your chore so you can go play; I’ll play a game with you now; you can choose the TV show, etc.) and see the smile it brings.

Did you like the good news I whispered in your ear? Why? Why is the truth about Jesus good news? (He loves us and died so we can go to heaven someday.) Who do you know that needs to hear this good news?

Say a prayer for family, friends, or even enemies who need to hear this good news. Ask God for a chance to show them Jesus’ love and a chance to tell them why His love is such good news.

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