
Saturday, May 05, 2007

In Art, Show Them The Wound as Well as The Grace

What do Christians entering the arts need to learn? Lisa Swain, Interim Chair of Biola's Mass Communication Department reflected on some of her students' shortcomings at faith-fueled art:
We get so caught up in wanting people to see Christ, we forget that they also have to see us. And by seeing our struggles, then they will see Christ. You don't show Christ by showing them grace first. You have to show them the wound first.
Wow, a great comment in Jeffrey Overstreet's coverage of the recent conference at Biola University regarding the new Hollywood interest in the “Christian market” for films. Christians in the film industry acknowledge a struggle between typical prime-time stereotypes of Christians (and especially Christian leaders) as "child molesters and lunatics" on the one hand, and explicitly Christian media as “mediocre, sentimental propaganda” on the other hand. But, as Mark Joseph said:

I think Christians have this basement full of amazing stories. But because we were raised in a generation that was told that [filmmaking] is not an acceptable way to tell stories, we're just backlogged with amazing stories to tell.
Intriguing commentary at the intersection of faith and culture.

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