
Tuesday, November 20, 2007

More Jonesin' for an Overlooked Generation

Morley Safer at the CBS program 60 Minutes filed a report about the newest generation of young adults--the Millennials. It begins:
Stand back all bosses! A new breed of American worker is about to attack everything you hold sacred: from giving orders, to your starched white shirt and tie. They are called, among other things, "millennials." There are about 80 million of them, born between 1980 and 1995, and they're rapidly taking over from the baby boomers who are now pushing 60.
Now, leave alone whether he's accurate in his subsequent portrayal of Millennials as pampered 20-somethings whose only goal is self-fulfillment--a description that he assumed, I guess, would delight his 60 Minutes demographic. Besides that loaded description of the Millennials, there's something missing in his first paragraph--and in the whole report.

Notice it? In Safer's world there are Boomers and then, lo, there appeared the Millennials. It leaves me Jonesin' for recognition.

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