
Monday, November 19, 2007

Support This Worthy Project for Austin-based Refugees

Here's a worthwhile project you should support. Meg Goodman, my "Austin sister" (I have another in Brenham) works with African refugees. As Christmas approaches, she wants to do something special for them. You can help: contact her. Here is her recent letter about the project:

Dear Friends and Family:

As many of you know I am working with some African refugees who have resettled to a new life in Austin and it brings me great joy. This is going to be their first Christmas here in America and I would love to provide them with some Christmas gifts. If any of you are looking to donate to a charitable cause this Christmas I am looking for gift cards in any amount to places such as Target, HEB, the Gap, Best Buy etc for these folks. Any gently used clothes or toys would also be great. The families that I work with are from Burundi, Congo and Eritrea and range in age from 2-70!

On a related note, I have the great honor to be working with some refugees who have been here already for a couple of years to form a non-profit to help all of the African refugees that have settled in Austin. It is called the African Society of Austin (site under construction) and we were featured in the Austin American Statesman on Thursday. Some of the things we will be doing include teaching job skills, computer skills, driving and many other things that will help them to adjust to their new life in America. So- there will be many more opportunities to help if now is not a good time.

Thanks so much for your consideration!!


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