
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Links to Your World, Tuesday October 27

Gary Haugan’s book, Just Courage, is a free audio download for the rest of this month. Download here.

Two percent of the population are compulsive hoarders.

Men are seven times more likely than women to leave a seriously ill partner.

This guys says that the Florida rock band, Creed, deserves a second listen and belated respect.

John Mark Reynolds says its okay to just let entertainment be no deeper than, well, entertainment.

The more housework you do, the more often you are likely to have sex with your spouse.

Snarky, snarky, snarky: “The secret to [Rick] Warren's success is that he found people responsible for their own success in life and convinced them that it was all due to God.” (from a Slate article reviewing a book on Rick Warren’s life.)

You should read Bart Barber’s respectful response to James Denison, the official theologian of the Baptist General Convention of Texas. Denison wrote an attack upon inerrancy entitled, ‘The Errancy of Inerrancy.’ Barber replies. (HT: Russell Moore)

Good to see Hillcrest drummer and Baylor freshman, Scott Smith, serving at Baylor chapel in this clip.

Studies show that “people remember things better, longer, if they are given very challenging tests on the material, tests at which they are bound to fail” (Scientific American)

David Powilson gives guidance on breaking pornography addiction: Part 1; Part 2.

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