
Thursday, January 14, 2010

"Reading Someone Else's Mail"

The problem is that "Christians just don't really believe the Old Testament is their Bible in the same way the New Testament is. For them the Old Testament teaches the law and the New Testament the gospel. The Old Testament is about Israel and the New Testament is about the church. They may not say it in so many words, but it's there, especially on those rare occasions when the preacher asks them to turn to an Old Testament passage. For them it's like reading someone else's mail. They feel they need to ask permission to obey its laws. Remember this: What we call the 'Old Testament' today was the only 'New Testament' Jesus and Paul ever had. All the evangelism we read about in the book of Acts was the result of the gospel they proclaimed from the pages of the 'Old Testament.'"

John Sailhamer, in an interview with Collin Hansen.  Sailhamer is a professor at the Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary (SBC) and author of The Meaning of the Pentateuch.

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