
Friday, May 07, 2010

Print This Post and Fix It to Your Office Cubicle or Kitchen Fridge

Tim Chester:

Everyone has their own version of the ‘gospel’ story:

creation – who I am or who I should be
fall – what’s wrong with me and the world
redemption – what’s the solution
consummation – what I hope for

When we hear people expressing their version of creation, fall, redemption or consummation, we can talk about the gospel story. Talking about Jesus begins with listening to other people’s stories and sharing our own story of Jesus. [emphasis added]

I hope you caught how I tried to bring this out in our “Neighboring Faiths” interviews (which should be available online next week).

In addition to these “four points of intersection” with which to start gospel conversations, Chester shares “four liberating truths” from which to start conversations.

Oh, you should print this post and fix it to your office cubicle or kitchen fridge. That way you can review it til you’re living it.

(HT: Justin Taylor)

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