21 Things You Should Never Buy New
John Eldridge’s book, Wild at Heart, is inspiration for a violent Mexican drug cartel.
Fast Facts iPhone App (99 cents): “From the Apologetics Study Bible for Students, this app offers 20 facts about faith and culture everyone should know, plus responses to 25 common challenges to the Christian faith. Also included is a free version of the HCBS Bible in the Olive Tree BibleReader and all Scripture references are linked for immediate access to relevant verses.”
“Everyone warns parents about the drama of the teen years—the self-righteous tears, slamming doors, inexplicable fashion choices, appalling romances. But what happens when typical teen angst starts to look like something much darker and more troubling? How can parents tell if a moody teenager is simply normal—or is spinning out of control?” Elizabeth Bernstein reports.
“New data released today from the Partnership for a Drug Free America suggest that not only are girls now drinking more than boys, they turn to drugs and alcohol for more serious reasons as well….Girls are more likely to associate drugs and alcohol with a way to avoid problems and relieve stress. Boys, on the other hand, show dramatic increases in seeing drugs and alcohol as a way to make socializing easier.” Here’s the data.
Ellen Dunham-Jones takes an unblinking look at our underperforming suburbs -- and proposes plans for making them livable and sustainable: Her TED Talk here.
“Few people deny that [Supreme Court justice Thurgood] Marshall was a great lawyer, but that is different from being a great Supreme Court justice--and even a great justice's judicial philosophy is open to question. To suggest that one should not question Marshall's judicial philosophy because he was a civil rights hero is illogical” (James Taranto, responding to complaints that criticism of Justice Marshall in the Elena Kagan confirmation hearings is racist.
Posts at “Get Anchored” since last Tuesday:
Song of the Week: Rich Mullins’ “Land of My Sojourn”
Beatle-zation of The Lord of the Rings
When you don’t know what you don’t know
LeaderLines: This Is Why We Sign Up
The label “Christian” means nothing
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