
Saturday, October 09, 2010

America’s Four Gods?

Is God “authoritarian,” “benevolent,” “critical,” or “distant”? 
Baylor University sociology professors, Paul Froese and Christopher Bader, say Americans have four views of God. USA Today reported on the findings from their new book, America’s Four Gods: What We Say About God — And What That Says About Us.
  • The Authoritarian God--“one engaged in history and meting out harsh punishment to those who do not follow him. About 28% of the nation shares this view, according to Baylor's 2008 findings.”
  • The Benevolent God--“engaged in our world and loves and supports us in caring for others, a vision shared by 22% of Americans, according to Baylor's findings.”
  • The Critical God--“keeps an eye on this world but delivers justice in the next.” Held by 21% of Americans.
  • The Distant God--the god of Deism. “Baylor found that nearly one in four (24%) see a Distant God that booted up the universe, then left humanity alone.”
I don’t know any more about the book than what USA Today has reported, but these categories seem simplistic.

Is God authoritarian or benevolent? Yes.

Is he transcendent or involved in the progress of history? Yes.

Does he react to injustice now or will he right wrongs in the next life? Yes.

So, since these are my answers, which of the Baylor profs’ four “gods” do I serve?

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