
Thursday, October 14, 2010

LeaderLines: What I’m Reading and Listening To

I’ll never stop being a student, and if you’re a leader neither should you. I’ll let you in on some of the things I’m reading and listening to as a lifelong student.

What I’m Listening To

During my 20-minute commute to the church office every day, and during my daily walks for exercise, I benefit from a number of podcasts.  If you have an iPod or another MP3 player, you can subscribe to these free programs, too.  You can also download iTunes to your computer without having to purchase an iPod and then listen to these podcasts at your desk.

I listen to Albert Mohler’s two podcasts. “The Briefing” is a daily commentary on current events, about 15 minutes long (iTunes). “Thinking in Public” is an occasional interview with thought-provoking personalities (iTunes).

I enjoy the half-hour World Vision Report (iTunes), a newsmagazine about “the world's most vulnerable people and those who make a difference in their lives.”  It's funded by World Vision and hosted by Peggy Wehmeyer, a former ABC World News Tonight correspondent.  As I listen, I find my heart opens wider to the global family.

I receive two short NPR programs to my iPod.  The first one is called "Hmmm" (iTunes).  The energetic and sometimes quirky science correspondent Robert Krulwich “demystifies what's dense and difficult -- even if you feel lost when it comes to science.”  Then there's "Driveway Moments" (iTunes) described as "compelling NPR stories suggested by listeners."

I’m also halfway through an audio version of James Swanson’s book, Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase for Lincoln’s Killer. Riveting.

What I’m Reading

I usually keep a couple of books going at a time. I just completed the biography on Bonhoeffer by Eric Metaxas, and Kathryn Greene-McCreight’s reflections on her struggles with bipolar disorder in Darkness is My Only Companion. I’m currently reading T.R. Fehrenbach’s Lone Star: A History of Texas and the Texans and Fred Sanders’ book, The Deep Things of God: How the Trinity Changes Everything.

During my morning coffee I use Bible Gateway’s daily reading plan to keep up with my daily Bible reading. And then I use Google Reader to scan about 100 RSS feeds. Here are a few you should check out:

Baptist Global Response: An organization that offers ways you can provide practical help to our International Mission Board missionaries.

Christianity Today: Articles from the magazine.

Commission Stories: News from our International Mission Board.

Get Religion: A must-read blog providing critiques of how the media covers religion.

Heavenward: Every post from Scotty Smith is a prayer. Beautiful stuff here.

Justin Taylor’s “Between Two Worlds”: Everyone has Justin Taylor on their RSS feed, so you might as well join the club…

NPR’s “First Listen”: Discover some new music.

Of Sacred and Secular: The blog for the Statesman’s religion reporter, Joshunda Sanders.

Pew Forum News Feed: Religion-related news stories that catch the attention of the Pew Forum.

Community Impact: News from our local Community Impact Newsletter

Stuff Christians Like: Funny Stuff from Jon Acuff

The Gospel Coalition: Good insights from the Gospel Coalition writers

The Grand Scheme: Keep up with Eileen Flynn, who writes occasional religion-related stories for the Statesman

USA Today Religion Top Stories: Just what the title means—top religion-related stories from USA Today.

Never stop learning!


Each Thursday I post my article from "LeaderLines," an e-newsletter for church leaders read by more than 300 subscribers. If you want to subscribe to "LeaderLines," sign up here.

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