
Thursday, September 29, 2011

LeaderLines: Elevating Vision, Part Two

In last week’s LeaderLines, I introduced you to the concept of the “elevator speech.” Business consultants advise clients to go through the discipline of preparing a 30-60 second summary of what their company does and how it could add value to the prospect. The theory is that you should be able to summarize what you do to a complete stranger in the time it would take you to share a ride in an elevator.

Last week, I challenged you to send me your Hillcrest elevator speech. If all you had with a stranger was the 30-60 seconds it takes to ride with someone up an elevator, what could you say about Hillcrest that would pique their interest enough to visit?

You sent me some great ones!

Barbara Fowler: “What you will find at Hillcrest is a place filled with love. Love of God, love for God, and love of each other. The minute you enter the door you can feel the peace and calmness that comes with the feeling of security you get when you know someone is watching over you.”

Mike Wiederkehr: “Hillcrest is a great multi generational church with a wonderful, dedicated staff that will guide you in your walk with Christ. You'll find a congregation that loves and cares about you, no matter what your circumstances may be, and will make you feel welcomed. You will hear the Bible preached with no apologies. You will learn about a God that loves you so much He sent His Son to die for you, so you would never be separated from Him.”

Sheila McHargue: “It’s the best way I know to start the week. It’s a chance to sing or listen to music that focuses your mind on God’s goodness, and then a message of encouragement, inspiration, and challenge to live life the way it was meant to be lived. Then we follow that by sitting down with a group of friends to discuss the message we just heard, share our own experiences, successes, failures, and concerns, and support each other in prayer. That usually leads to opportunities outside of church to continue building those relationships, so that we have a network of good friends who share our beliefs, values and interests.”

Lois Fullerton: “I like our church because there are a lot of friendly people who care about me. I have had the kind of prayer support that was needed. I get the support I need from sermons and Bible study to help me in everyday life.”

Donna Seymour: “Hillcrest has been my church home and spiritual family for more than 50 years. It has a warm and welcoming fellowship. Our pastor is Dr. Tom Goodman. Our Sunday worship service starts at 10 a.m. and Bible study for all age groups immediately follows. You can choose to participate in Common Ground groups discussing the pastor's message or traditional Sunday School. Hillcrest is located at 3838 Steck Avenue. If you need more information regarding the church you can go online to or contact the church at 345-3771. I would look forward to you visiting and learning more about Hillcrest Baptist Church.”

Clarence Cossey: “In the past, in the future, and right now we need good news. We need good news about our health, our finances, our families, our neighbors, our nation, and our world. Most of all we need good news about our spiritual needs, our spiritual conditions, and our relationship with God. Some Bible translators say ‘good news’ and some say ‘gospel.’ Perhaps all of us say ‘the four gospels’ when speaking about Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. These writers wanted us to know the ‘good news’ about Jesus Christ.”

Cheryl Selby: “Hillcrest is not what you might envision. It is a great place to meet others that are seeking what is empty in their life. It isn't always something tangible, but usually you find both. It could be enriching your life though contact with your creator or just hanging out with encouraging people. Come sit with me in front: The choir will blow your mind!”

Thanks for these elevator speeches! It’s not too late to send me yours, and I’ll add it to the weblog. Next week I’ll give you my own Hillcrest elevator speech. Until then, look for opportunities to share your convictions about Hillcrest with someone who needs a church home.


Each Thursday I post my article from "LeaderLines," an e-newsletter for church leaders read by more than 350 subscribers. If you want to subscribe to "LeaderLines," sign up here.

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