
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

"Makes me want to avoid the one place and aspire to the other"

Andree Seu:

The range of temperatures you and I experience on earth seem to be very extreme: 100 degrees is almost unbearable, and 10 below zero is almost intolerable in the other direction. But of course we know that this range of heat and cold represents the thinnest slice of the total spectrum of temperatures in the universe, our Sun’s inner core topping the thermometer at 27,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

By analogy, I suspect that the spectrum of human joy and misery that you and I experience on earth, and that seem like the outer and impassible limits, are only the smallest taste of both the torments that hell will inflict and the joys that heaven will confer. Makes me want to avoid the one place and aspire to the other.

The article here.

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