
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

This week's newsletter from Karen

The last few weeks I’ve been facilitating Simple Truths, a class designed to give parents a strategy for talking about sex with their children in a simple, natural way. There are two things the author suggests that really make a lot of sense.

First, when approaching this subject with our kids, parents need to start the conversation with the words, “by God’s design.” How wonderful! Everything we see, experience, feel, etc. is all by God’s design. Sex is no different.

Second, parents need to become the “loving authority” in the process of teaching their children about sex. Parents are encouraged to teach about sex out of a love for their child.

With sex being so pervasive in our culture, I wonder why this topic seems to be awkward for parents. Culture has no qualms or embarrassment about teaching our children about sex. Why do we?

Our enemy has really had success in this area on two fronts. First, parents have let culture become the teacher/authority in the minds of children on the topic of sex. Second, parents are made to feel uncomfortable talking to their children about sex.

It is time to take back any ground that has been given over to culture. My prayer is that parents will become more proactive in their conversations with their children on the topic of sex, and as their “loving authority,” will begin to have them understand that “by God’s design” it is a very simple and natural part of God’s abundant life.

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