
Wednesday, August 19, 2015

This week's newsletter from Karen

Good works do not produce faith, but faith does produce good works.

James 2:14 asks us, "What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith, but does not have works?" 

This verse is then followed by James 2:15-16 which reads, “If a man who does not have anything and is hungry comes to you and you say, ‘Be warmed and filled, depart in peace,’ but you don’t help him–does it do that man any good?”

Our children have to understand that saying they believe in Jesus and saying they have asked Jesus to be their Savior isn’t the end. They have to begin to live what they say they believe. And to live it, they have to begin to serve others the way Jesus would.

Being able to live this way takes practice and confidence as we grow in our faith. So how do we grow our faith? Romans 10:17 says, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” We have to hear (and know) God’s word, the Bible.

Our kids need to start learning the Bible.

AWANA, a Bible memory club for kids, will begin on 8/26. Go to and register your child today!

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