
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

This week's newsletter from Karen

In his book, Grace-Based Parenting, Tim Kimmel discusses showing kids a secure love through three avenues – acceptance, affiliation with an honoring home, and affection. This made me wonder how my children would answer three questions:
  1. Do my parents accept the things about me of which I have no control (gender, IQ, mannerisms, physical abilities, etc.)?
  2. Do my parents model an “others focused” atmosphere in my home?
  3. Do my parents show me affection?
God created each of us with a unique blend of gender, IQ, mannerisms, physical abilities, etc., and it is this blend that He intends to use for His glory. Our children are no exception. Recognizing this and loving them because of their uniqueness is essential in modeling God’s love for them.

God expects us to put others’ needs ahead of our own. Are we modeling this behavior in our homes for our children to see? If we expect our children to learn this Christ-like attitude, they must see us putting the needs of others ahead of our own.

God gave each of us the need for affection. A hug, kiss, pat on the back, and “I Love You,” can go a long way to showing our children how much we (and God) love them. So…have you hugged your kid today?

Take some time this week to think about how your child(ren) might answer these questions and things you might do to model God’s love for them through you.

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