That's where our small-group ministry comes in. As you see a new face in the worship service, introduce yourself and invite your new acquaintance to join your class. If you meet them in the 9:30am "Bold" service, encourage them to join you at the Common Ground Cafe. And if you meet them in the 10:45am "Smooth" service, invite them to join you next week an hour earlier for Sunday School. Our Adult-4 department has enjoyed some good growth in the last few months through welcoming newcomers. And now we have a new experience called "The Gathering" for those in their 20s, 30s and 40s who prefer to attend the Smooth Service. "The Gathering" is a coffee fellowship from 9:15 to 9:45am before the Sunday School classes convene.People may fear the commitment friendship entails, but they remain fascinated with it. The long-standing popularity of TV programs such as Cheers, Friends, and now Grey's Anatomy—which portray the lives of people in multilayered friendships—signals that fascination.
One wonders what it would take for the church, the new community, the friends of Jesus (John 15), to hold equal fascination for our lonely culture. To draw our culture to Christ, evangelical churches spend enormous amounts of money on slick marketing materials, enormous amounts of creative energy crafting "authentic" worship, and enormous amounts of intellectual capital on postmodernizing the faith. We're not convinced these strategies get to the heart of our cultural malaise.
Perhaps another "strategy" is in order. What if church leaders mounted a campaign to encourage each of their members to become friends, good friends,with one unchurched person this year?
Spread the word!
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