
Monday, February 04, 2008

Austin-American Pride

William Thomas says we should all drop the dash and no longer identify each other as Polish-American, or German-American, or African-American.

But I still like being called an Austin-American. We even have our own newspaper.


Susan said...

You know me, Tom... devil's advocate role.

Why do Christians proclaim pride in this or that, when any quick check of a concordance will show that pride is always listed among the ickiest of sins?

writerandy said...

With that comment in mind I will no longer be proud of my 18 month old daughter when she does something new.
Sarcasm aside, I am not sure that is the same kind of pride the Bible is referring to.

Tom Goodman said...

Thanks Susan and Randy. I hadn't thought I was gonna start a conversation about the place of pride in our lives. I was teasing (or at least I thought I was!) about our local newspaper being for Austin-Americans. Just another proof that, as Lyle Lovett puts it, "I live in my own mind."