
Thursday, February 07, 2008

LeaderLines: “unChristian Christianity: Hypocritical”

In David Kinnaman’s new book, unChristian, the president of the Barna research firm reported on an extensive study of the attitudes that unchurched 16-to-29 year-olds have of the Christian faith. Our Ministry Staff is reading this book together, and across the next several weeks I’ll summarize Kinnaman’s research for you in LeaderLines.

The book focuses on six complaints that unchurched young people have regarded Christians. They see us as--

Too focused on getting converts
Too political
Let’s begin with the first complaint on the list. Kinnaman says:

Whether we like it or not, the term ‘hypocritical’ has become fused to young people’s experience with Christianity. 85% of young outsiders have had sufficient exposure to Christians and churches that they conclude present-day Christianity is hypocritical. And as I have pointed out, negative perceptions also bleed into the perspectives of young churchgoers -- half agreed that Christianity is hypocritical.
Our problem is twofold, according to the book. The perception that we’ve given outsiders is that the Christian message is all about “being good,” and yet few of us are “being good.” So, young outsiders have concluded that we don’t practice what we preach.

The solution is found in a transparency about our weaknesses and in the transformation of our weaknesses.

First, it’s important to be transparent--to be honest about our own imperfections as believers. The gospel message isn’t about “being good”; it’s about being Christ’s! To those who say that “Christianity is just a crutch,” I say, “Cripples need crutches, and I’m crippled.” As Paul write in 1Timothy 1:15-16 (NLT):

Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—and I was the worst of them all. But that is why God had mercy on me, so that Christ Jesus could use me as a prime example of his great patience with even the worst sinners. Then others will realize that they, too, can believe in him and receive eternal life.
That’s the message of the gospel, and if we believers had “stayed on message,” to use a public relations phrase, maybe young people wouldn’t be so cynical about Christians today.

As Tony Woodlief said in his review of unChristian, “One thing I took from this book is that instead of projecting the message: be like me and sin less, I need to say: I am a sinner like you, and here is why I strive to be better tomorrow than I am today, and why I have hope regardless of whether I succeed or fail.

But, as Kinneman says about us, “We are not known for the depth of our transparency, for digging in and solving deep-seated problems, but for trying to project an unChristian picture of having it all together.”

That’s why I’m excited about ministries like our Common Ground Café that meets after the first worship service. I asked Mark McHargue to share his experience with Common Ground:

I have been in church all of my life. Despite that fact I have never felt connected or grounded in the church. When I was a kid, everyone dressed nice and went to church. We sang songs, had fellowship and heard sermons. What we didn’t do was talk about real life and everyone pretended everything was OK. Then came Common Ground. My wife encouraged me to attend but I really didn’t want to. I finally gave in and it has meant a great deal to me. At first it seemed a little stilted. But then a topic that was REAL came before our group. I decided to actually talk and let my guard down. The group all responded with kindness and understanding. Over the past year we have grown close as a group and discussed difficult issues in the open. I believe I have learned more about a true Christian walk in the last year than I have in all my 43 years of life before. The Bible tells us to love God and love each other. Sharing your life and the difficulties in it with other Christians who really love you as a brother or sister in Christ is, next to knowing the love of Christ, the most moving experience we can have; and we have it at common ground. Take a chance and open up--it can literally change your life.
Whether it’s through Common Ground or some other venue, we believers must get back to the Apostle Paul’s style of honesty about our weaknesses. The point of the gospel is that Christ died for sinners, and that means us.

But in addition to humble transparency, we need determined transformation. Kinneman says that Barna research shows a huge gap between our beliefs and our behavior. It’s a sobering picture:

In virtually every study we conduct, representing thousands of interviews every year, born-again Christians fail to display much attitudinal or behavioral evidence of transformed lives. For instance, based on a study released in 2007, we found that most of the lifestyle activities of born-again Christians were statistically equivalent to those of non-born-agains. When asked to identify their activities over the last 30 days, born-again believers were just as likely to bet or gamble, to visit a pornographic website, to take something that did not belong to them, to consult a medium or psychic, to physically fight or abuse someone, to have consumed enough alcohol to be considered legally drunk, to have used an illegal, nonprescription drug, to have said something to someone that was not true, to have gotten back at someone for something he or she did, and to have said mean things behind another person’s back.
Kinnaman says that, while moral failures aren’t unique to any one generation, his own generation of young churchgoers are especially failing to live transformed lives. And that reality is especially damaging, since young churchgoers are the ones young outsiders are more likely to know. “Among young outsiders 84 percent say they personally know at least one committed Christian,” Kinnaman wrote, “Yet just 15 percent thought the lifestyles of those Christ followers were significantly different from the norm. This gap speaks volumes.”

Sure, the message of the gospel isn’t about “being good” but “being Christ’s.” But “being Christ’s” means something! I remember the words of the Christian songwriter, the late Mark Heard:

You can be what you like, if you like what you are.
We reflect but the sum of our creeds.
But we don’t seem to seize on the tenets we hold
And they slip through the sieve of our deeds.

The Bible tells us that our behavior in the world will “make the teaching about God our Savior attractive” (Titus 2:9-10). If Christianity is as profoundly unattractive to young people as Kinnaman’s research has found, it will require transparent people who seek transformation together.

In my book for seekers, The Anchor Course, I wrote about the complaint that Christians are hypocrites:

When I became a believer, I began a lifelong process of aligning my life with the will of God. Spend a day in my head and you will see me fall short in that process. That does not make me a hypocrite; that just makes me imperfect. God isn’t finished with me yet. As I continue to set his expectations before me and as I depend on the transforming power of his Spirit within me, my life becomes a better and better example to others.
This is the same message that Paul shared in 1Timothy 1:15-16, and it’s the attitude I try to convey whenever I speak.

Kinnaman asks a profound question in light of the deep cynicism our nation has toward Christianity: “What if [God] is using our culture to make us aware of our hollow religiosity and empty answers?”

It takes a humble person to look at the bleak data and draw that kind of conclusion. I wonder: would I have come to that conclusion at the end of his chapter without his question?

Each Thursday I post my article from "LeaderLines," an e-newsletter for church leaders read by over 300 subscribers. If you want to subscribe to "LeaderLines," sign up here.


Anonymous said...

I am just about to renounce my faith in Christianity in favor of a more loving religious atmosphere. I grew up being told one thing we were supposed to be and do and finding everyone else doing the opposite. When I was a kid I was tortured, so I am told by a close loved one, by the church because I was forced to play music for them and sit in 5 to 8 hour services with no food or water and barely a chance to go to the bathroom.
I was hungry and faint in service half the time. I started sneaking candy bars to eat so I wouldn't faint. I got into really big trouble for that. The people around me screamed, fainted and broke furniture, shook and sweated and talked in some weird tongues(sounded like people in the crazy ward at the hospital). They claimed not to be like all those ugly sinners out there. Out where? I was told this is how Christians act, for 12 years. During these weird examples of church services some preacher man yelled at us till he turned purple and sweated and then the slammed peoples heads with his hands screaming be ye healed or demon come out. Now that is just more than I could take as a younger person.When I finally married to escape my parents insanity and after being preached at for years to not have sex before marriage, which I obeyed, my father turns to my mother and says, "maybe they should have lived together for a year before marriage"What?! I have studied the words of Christ and frankly have never met anyone living the life of Christ. As far as I can tell it's all lip service and nice clothes and a great bunch of cliques from those I met in college or just in passing. Some claimed to be raised in a particular church and so they were better than I wwould be if I joined their church due to their affiliations. I really don't know what you all are talking about to the LOVE of Christ. Sorry but where the heck is it anyway? Every church I was in the minister or his deacons were screwing other mens wives and I got corned a few times till I threatened someones reproductive organs. I was 18 at that time and being fondled by some so called Christian high mucky muck. Are there any churches that actually believe in LOVE?
Since I moved to a new town I have never once been invited to attend anyones Christian church. I did meet one lady who after I told her how I had to attend services or whatever that torturousness was as a young teen my 20th year, and how I just didn't have any interest in freakouts at church, she accused me of being full of demons. Well if that is what you all think of us I am very sorry for you. I have heard more about Satan's power than Gods. Satan seems to be in every single thing by what Christians claim. That sounds very paganistic to be honest. I hear a lot about how God hates this or that, but does he Love unconditionally? I guess not by what I have been told.
I am an outsider now. Yes, you all come across as judgemental, not really following what you preach, protected insiders of some cult that only special people have the info on God and the rest of us are dependent on your say so. I am very sorry but I am totally disgusted with it all. I have been learning other words and they are straight to the point on how to live my life as an enlightened person without such heave judgements of others because we are all on a path to self betterment. I try to go the extra mile for my neighbor, I give money to help those less fortunate, I try to smile at my over tired grocery clerk just to let her know others care how she feels.
So if you can tell me what you really believe and tell me where you all hide I might be interested in viewing you from the back row of your churches. The only people I have met out in my area have been the Jehova Witnesses and they were nice ladies really.I just don't go for their doctrine. So you can either say I am full of demons or show me what you all talk about.

Anonymous said...

I gotta admit, though I've heard many people's stories about bad experiences with Christians (or those who claim to be), it does seem like your experienced was particularly traumatic, more so than many. I'm sorry!!! It sounds painful and confusing.

I'll tell you what though... if you come to Hillcrest, I know you will see something different. Not because I'm certain you will never be disappointed, but because I believe you will see that although we fail, at times, we care about people. We care about each other and those around us, regardless of whether we believe the same thing or not. Our goal is to grow in the knowledge and understand of God and to help EVERYONE around us do the same.

As far as Christianity goes, it's about realizing how much God loves me and you. He loves us so much so that he made a way for us to to be with him. It's about something so great happening to me that I cannot keep from sharing with others. Christianity is not about shaking around on stage before other men and claiming God's power haphazardly and speaking in such a way that NO ONE understands. Did you know that the Bible addresses how we are to speak about God, and it's not in such a way that no body understands us. Christianity is about finding and following Jesus Christ together. It's a journey we take together.

Do I always have that attitude, no. Unfortunately not. I sometimes fail. My own selfishness wins and I focus more on me than on those around me or on the blessings God has aloud me to experience. But the more Christians mature in their knowledge and understanding of God, the less this happens.

God has provided for me in so many ways, he given me hope, peace, assurance. Many times, he has often done so through the love and encouragement of my "church family." We are a family. I would love for you to join us. But don't sit on the back row. Get involved with us. Hang out and play xbox. Go to the shooting range. Come watch movies or hang out at Starbucks. Give us a chance to love you and show God's love.

I will warn you though. We are people... normal people. I'm not perfect, and I'll be the first to tell you that I screw up sometimes... more often than I'm willing to admit. BUT I do love God. I do love other people. My goal is to always demonstrate this love. But this love is not my own. I love because God first loved me and sent his son to die for my sins. It's through Jesus that God demonstrated his love to us.

I'm sorry you had the experience you did growing up. To be honest, it doesn't sound like the behavior that I believe Jesus taught. Please don't give up yet. Come find Jesus with us.

Feel free to email me if you'd like to talk