
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Deer Jesus

Wasn't Rudolph one of the reindeer who pulled the sleigh the 3 Wise Men rode to Bethlehem?

I'm no foot soldier in the fight against the "War on Christmas," but James Taranto's "Best of the Web Today" featured a jaw-dropping story from Raleigh's WRAL-TV:
"Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" caused a stir at a New Hanover County school. A parent complained about the song's religious reference and got it pulled from her child's kindergarten Christmas show at Murrayville Elementary School.

The song was pulled "because it had the word Christmas in it," said Rick Holliday, assistant school superintendent.

A Jewish mother, who didn't want her name published, objected to what she called "religious overtones" in the song. So the principal agreed to pull it from the program.
After other parents complained, "school board members, administrators and attorneys listened closely to the song's lyrics and decided the song was secular."

Taranto, in his characteristic wit, pointed out: "The real outrage about this story, though, is that the school district is so anti-Christian that it forces the poor assistant superintendent to call himself 'Holliday.'"

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