
Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Why Men’s Friendships Are Different

From the article, “Why Men’s Friendships Are Different” (WSJ):

I've played poker with the same guys every Thursday night for 18 years. We rarely talk about our lives. We talk about cards, betting, bluffing.

I used to say that my poker buddies don't even know my kids' names. But then I wondered if I was exaggerating. So one night I turned to my left at the poker table and casually asked my friend Lance: "Hey Lance, could you name my children?"

He shrugged, paused to think, then smiled sheepishly. "I could rename them," he said.

Dr. [Geoffrey] Greif isn't surprised by my story. In his poker game, he says, if a man were to reveal that he lost his job or that his wife left him, the other guys would say, "Gee, dude, that's too bad. Want us to deal you out this hand?"

Read this article about the importance of male friendships—even if they aren’t as touchy-feely as women’s friendships.

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