
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Get Ready for “Explore Sunday!”

by Tom Goodman

Explore Sunday Promo

We’re encouraging those who attend Hillcrest to bring someone to our first ever “Explore Sunday” on April 26! A big part of our life is our involvement at Hillcrest, and we want to introduce others to it!

“Explore Sunday” is designed as an “Open House Party” to introduce our friends, neighbors, and co-workers to what we do at Hillcrest. Think about those who belong to another church, or another faith, or even no faith. Guests will feel no pressure to sign up for anything. Instead, we just want to give the people who are important to us a chance to experience the church that is important to us.

As a part of this effort, we’re also challenging our small-group leaders to contact members and prospects on their class roll to make sure everyone is in attendance on April 26. So ask your Sunday School teacher or Common Ground host what you can do to help.

For parents of children and teens, one key component of Explore Sunday is “Sleepover Saturday.” Talk with your kids about whom they could invite to sleep at your house on Saturday night and attend Hillcrest the next morning. Be ready to answer any questions parents may have, and let Steve or Karen or me know if we can help you with your efforts.

We’ve created a web page you can provide for people as you invite them to Explore Sunday and Sleepover Saturday. Forward this link to your friends: www.Hillcrest.Church/ExploreSunday.

Please be in prayer for this important Sunday at Hillcrest.

The Lord’s Prayer: Our series called “Tools for Soul Development” continues this Sunday. Prayer is a vital tool for spiritual growth, and Jesus taught us how to pray in what has become known as the Lord’s Prayer. It’s one of the most familiar sections of scripture. This Sunday we’ll make this prayer a measuring stick to evaluate our own praying. See you at 10!

Get Anchored! The first week of our 8-session Anchor Course begins this Wednesday, April 15. This is a study through a book I’ve written called The Anchor Course: Exploring Christianity Together. It’s designed for those wanting to examine Christianity and for those wanting to explain Christianity to others. The class begins with a meal at 6:30pm and ends promptly at 8:00pm. Learn more about the course at www.Hillcrest.Church/AnchorCourse or call my assistant, Lisa, at 512-345-3771 or email her.

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