
Thursday, April 09, 2015

ICYMI Thursday

by Tom Goodman


4 Things You Shouldn't Do On Facebook


Saying this four-letter word will transform your productivity


10 words we've forgotten how to pronounce. I learned how to pronounce the second word from living in the Cayman Islands where the Boatswain Bay United Church is located.


22 Benefits of Meditating on Scripture. Christians believe in meditation; we just believe it requires focus on the right subject.


Sermon Illustration Alert: “Researchers have detected trace amounts of gold, silver and other precious metals in human waste and are exploring how to make their extraction commercially feasible — a move that may stymie the dispersal of metals in the environment and lessen our dependence on mining.”


Fact Check: Are All Christian Denominations in Decline? You hear this statement from people a lot, some with glee and some with foreboding. It’s just not true.


“Kill them all, let their god sort them out.” A comment from a sociological survey of the attitudes toward conservative Christians by mostly rich, white, educated, progressive Americans. Likely hyperbolic, but disturbing in light of the massacre of Christians in Garissa, Kenya last week. George Yancey for CT: “As [the American National Election Studies] illustrates, animosity toward Christians involves racial, educational, and economic factors; the people most likely to hold negative views of conservative Christians also belong to demographic groups with high levels of social power. Rich, white, educated Americans are major influencers in media, academia, business, and government, and these are the people most likely to have a distaste for conservative Christians.”

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